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ACT Time Schedule?

Hello! I'm taking the ACT soon and I want to have a good idea of the whole test day schedule, so I can be mentally prepared. Can anybody provide a rough timeline of the test day, from when I should arrive at the testing center to when I can expect to leave?

8 months ago

Hello! I'm glad you're preparing for your ACT test day. Knowing the timeline can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed on test day. Here's a rough schedule for an ACT test day:

1. Arrival: You should aim to arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled reporting time (usually 8:00 AM). This allows you enough time to check-in, find your room, and get settled. Try to arrive no later than 7:30 AM.

2. Check-In: The check-in process typically involves showing your admission ticket and a valid photo ID. Make sure to bring both of these items with you.

3. Test Instructions: After check-in, you'll be seated in your assigned room. Between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM, test administrators will provide general instructions and distribute the test materials.

4. ACT Test (No Writing):

- English: 45 minutes (75 questions)

- Math: 60 minutes (60 questions)

- Break: 10-15 minutes

- Reading: 35 minutes (40 questions)

- Science: 35 minutes (40 questions)

If you're taking the ACT without the optional Writing section, you can expect the entire test, including breaks and instructions, to last around 3 hours and 30 minutes. Depending on your test center's efficiency, you can anticipate leaving between 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM.

5. ACT Test (With Writing):

- If you're taking the ACT with Writing, you'll complete the Writing section after the Science section. There will be a short break (usually around 5 minutes) before the Writing section starts.

- Writing: 40 minutes (1 essay prompt)

If you're taking the ACT with the optional Writing section, the entire test, including the Writing section, breaks, and instructions, will last around 4 hours and 15 minutes. Depending on your test center's efficiency, you can expect to leave between 12:15 PM – 12:45 PM.

Remember, these times are approximate and can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your test day. Be sure to bring a snack and water for your break, and wear comfortable clothing to help ensure you're as focused and comfortable as possible throughout the test. Best of luck on your ACT!

8 months ago

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