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AP Gov Practice: Where can I find practice FRQs?

Hiya! My AP Gov exam is coming up, and I want to get some more practice with FRQs. Can you guys recommend some websites or resources where I can access multiple practice FRQs to make sure I'm prepared when the big day arrives?

8 months ago

Hi there! Preparing for the AP Gov exam with practice FRQs is an excellent idea. Here are some resources to access multiple practice FRQs that can help you become more confident before the exam:

1. College Board website: The official AP Central site provides FRQs from previous years, along with scoring guidelines, sample responses, and scoring distributions. It's the most reliable source for practice FRQs, since the examples are actual past exam questions.

2. AP Classroom: The AP Classroom portal, provided by the College Board, is an excellent resource to access practice questions, including FRQs, throughout the course. If you're currently enrolled in an AP course, you should have access to this platform through your teacher.

3. Textbooks and review books: Many popular AP Government textbooks and review books (such as "AP US Government and Politics: With 3 Practice Tests" by Barron's or "Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam" by The Princeton Review) contain practice FRQs along with explanations and tips. These books usually provide a good balance between content review and practice questions.

Finally, while not a practice FRQ resource, CollegeVine's blog contains a comprehensive breakdown of the AP Gov exam, including exam structure and content covered: This post could be an excellent complement to the options listed above.

Remember to time yourself while practicing, and to review the scoring guidelines to understand how your responses would be graded. Good luck with your AP Gov exam preparation!

8 months ago

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