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ACT Reading scoring chart help

Hi, I'm having trouble understanding the ACT Reading scoring chart. Can someone please explain how it works and how I can calculate my overall score based on my performance in the reading section? Thanks!

a month ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help explain the ACT Reading scoring chart! The ACT Reading Test is comprised of 40 questions, and your raw score is simply the total number of correct answers out of those 40 questions. The raw score is then converted to a scaled score ranging from 1 to 36, which is combined with your other section scores to form your composite ACT score.

The conversion from raw score to scaled score is done using a table provided by ACT for each specific test administration. The conversion can slightly vary between different test dates depending on the difficulty of the test and other factors.

Therefore, one raw score (e.g. 35 correct questions) may correspond to a different scaled score on various test administrations. The ACT creators want to make sure that, for example, a 29 earned in June 2024 represents the same mastery of reading as a 29 earned in June 2023, even though the tests were different.

To calculate your overall scaled score in the Reading section, follow these steps:

1. After completing the Reading section, count the number of correct answers to find your raw score.

2. Refer to the ACT Reading scoring conversion chart for the specific test administration you took (you can usually find this in the back of an official ACT practice booklet, or by searching online for ACT conversion tables).

3. Locate your raw score on the left side of the chart and find the corresponding scaled score on the right side of the chart.

For example, if you got 30 questions right (raw score of 30), you might look up the conversion chart and see that a raw score of 30 converts to a scaled score of 26 for that particular test administration. Do remember that the conversion can vary slightly between tests, but this process should give you an estimate of where you stand.

Your overall composite ACT score is calculated by averaging your four section scaled scores (English, Math, Reading, and Science), and then rounding to the nearest whole number. So, you'll need to factor in your scores on the other three sections to get your overall score - there's no way to determine it based on your reading score alone.

Keep in mind that practice tests and online resources may provide you with an estimate, but your final scaled score will depend on the specific test you take. To get a better idea of your performance, consider taking multiple practice tests and averaging your scores, as that will give you a better sense of potential fluctuations in your performance from test to test.

I hope this overview helps clarify the ACT Reading scoring chart! Good luck with your future ACT tests!

a month ago

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