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Registering for the SAT Test: How Do I Do It?

Hi everyone, I'm a junior in high school and I'm planning on taking the SAT pretty soon. I'm a bit lost though, and I don't know how to actually sign up for the test. Does anyone have any advice or a step-by-step guide on how to register for the SAT? I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! Registering for the SAT is quite simple with the following step-by-step guide. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to choose a test date and location that suits you best.

1. Create an account: Go to the College Board website at and create a free account if you haven't already. Make sure to use an email address you frequently check, as you'll receive important updates and reminders through this email.

2. Find the registration page: Once you've logged in, navigate to the SAT registration page.

3. Select a test date: Carefully choose an SAT test date that works well for you. Consider available study time before the test, your school schedule, and any other commitments.

4. Choose a test center: After you've selected a test date, you'll be prompted to find and choose a test center near you. Pick a location that's convenient and easy for you to reach on the testing day.

5. Add optional services: If you require additional accommodations or need to request fee waivers, you can select those options during the registration process.

6. Upload a photo: You'll need to provide a recent, recognizable photo that meets the photo requirements listed on the College Board website. This photo will be printed on your SAT admission ticket and used for identification purposes on test day.

7. Provide personal information: Be prepared to fill out information about your high school, grades, courses, and intended college major or career plans. The information you provide is used for generating a score report and research purposes.

8. Decide whether to take the SAT with or without the optional Essay: Keep in mind that, as of 2021, the SAT Essay is no longer offered. You will only be taking the Reading, Writing, and Math sections of the test.

9. Pay the registration fee: After completing all the previous steps, you'll be required to pay the registration fee through a credit or debit card. If you're eligible for a fee waiver, make sure to apply it during this step.

10. Review and submit your registration: Double-check all the information you provided, and then submit your registration.

11. Print your admission ticket: You'll receive a confirmation email after successfully registering, and you can then print your admission ticket, which you'll need to bring on test day.

Remember to register at least four weeks before your desired test date to avoid late registration fees. Good luck, and happy test-taking!

9 months ago

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