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Columbia College Chicago admissions?

I'm looking into applying to Columbia College Chicago for their arts program, but I can't seem to find their admission requirements. Can someone give me a rundown of what they typically look for in applicants?

a month ago

Columbia College Chicago is a private arts and media college, known for its strong programs in visual and performing arts, among other fields. Here's a rundown of the admission requirements and factors they consider when reviewing applications:

1. Application: To apply, you'll need to submit the Common Application, along with your personal essay. Make sure to fill out all the required sections and answer any supplemental questions specific to Columbia College Chicago.

2. High School Transcript: The college requires an official high school transcript. Although they do not have specific course requirements, they look for applicants who demonstrate strong academic achievement and have taken a challenging curriculum. Some programs may have additional academic requirements (e.g., music or dance applicants), so make sure to check the specific program requirements on their website.

3. Demonstrated Interest in the Arts: Columbia College Chicago is especially interested in students who are passionate about the arts and have a history of involvement in artistic or creative pursuits. Your extracurricular activities, personal essay, and (if applicable) portfolio or audition will play a significant role in showcasing your commitment to your chosen field.

4. Letter of Recommendation: The college requires one letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, coach, or other individuals who can speak to your academic and personal qualities. Make sure the person you choose knows you well and can provide a detailed, insightful letter about your strengths and potential. Additional letters are optional but can help support your application.

5. Test Scores (Not Considered): Columbia College Chicago has a test-free policy, which means standardized tests play no role in admissions. Unlike test-optional policies at other universities, test scores will not be considered and cannot be submitted as part of your application to Columbia College Chicago.

6. Portfolio or Audition (Program-specific): Depending on your chosen program, you may need to submit a portfolio or participate in an audition. These are additional opportunities for you to demonstrate your passion, commitment, and skill within your area of interest. Check the college website for specific portfolio or audition requirements for your program.

7. Additional Materials: If you have any additional materials or information that can strengthen your application, don't hesitate to include them. Examples may be an artist statement, résumé, or supplemental letter of recommendation.

As an arts-focused institution, Columbia College Chicago values creativity, originality, and dedication to one's chosen field. In addition to meeting these requirements, make sure your application reflects these qualities and showcases your potential to contribute to the college's vibrant artistic community. Good luck with your application!

a month ago

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