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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Saint Louis University acceptance rate?

I'm really interested in applying to Saint Louis University. Does anyone know their current acceptance rate? Any additional info on what they're looking for in applicants would be awesome. Thanks!

a month ago

Saint Louis University (SLU) has an acceptance rate of around 85%. While this rate indicates that many students have a decent shot of being accepted, you still want to put your application together thoughtfully, as there are no guarantees in the college process.

To improve your chances at SLU, focus on maintaining a good GPA, taking a rigorous course load, and scoring well on standardized tests if you choose to submit them. SLU is a test-optional school, so you can decide whether SAT or ACT scores would benefit your application. If you're unsure and want more guidance on how to navigate test-optional policies, check out this blog post from CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/does-test-optional-mean-test-optional

In addition, highlight your achievements and skills in sports, community service, clubs, or other activities to showcase your well-roundedness and dedication. And don't forget the importance of a well-crafted personal essay and strong letters of recommendation, which can help convey your broader personality, motivations, and potential to the admissions committee.

Overall, being a successful applicant at SLU is about more than just grades and test scores—it's about demonstrating passion, commitment, and a desire to contribute positively to the university community. Good luck with your application!

a month ago

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