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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Penn State SAT Requirements

Hello! I'm planning on applying to Penn State and was wondering about their SAT requirements. Do they have a minimum SAT score or is it more of a holistic approach? Also, do they consider only the highest scores from each section across test dates (superscore) or is it the highest total score?

a month ago

Hello! Penn State does not have a strict minimum SAT requirement, as they use a holistic approach to evaluate applicants. This means they consider many factors beyond test scores, such as your GPA, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters. However, it's essential to understand that having competitive test scores can still improve your chances of being admitted.

Regarding SAT scores, Penn State does practice superscoring. This means they will take your highest scores from each section across different test dates and combine them to form your highest possible composite score. Remember to send all your SAT score reports to the university so they can accurately superscore your results.

It's always helpful to be aware of the average admitted student's SAT range to gauge your competitiveness. For Penn State, the middle 50% of admitted students typically have SAT scores between 1230 and 1410. To maximize your chances of admission, you should aim to be in this range or higher.

Good luck with your application to Penn State!

a month ago

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