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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

When do digital PSAT results come out?

Hey everyone! I took the digital PSAT a little while ago, and I'm curious about when the results will be released. Any idea when we can expect those scores to come out? Trying to make a plan for SAT prep.

8 months ago

Hey there! Digital PSAT results are usually released about six weeks after the test date. You can access your scores by logging into your College Board account. Once your scores are available, you'll also be able to see a detailed report that breaks down your performance in different areas, which can be helpful for identifying areas to focus on in your SAT prep. It's great that you're thinking ahead and planning for your SAT preparation! Make sure to practice consistently and consider using official SAT practice resources provided by the College Board, as they'll closely resemble the actual test. Good luck with your prep!

8 months ago

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