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Ohio State University undergraduate admission process?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior thinking about applying to Ohio State University for undergrad. I'd love to hear more about the admissions process, what the application requirements are, and any tips from people who've already applied or gotten in!

a month ago

Hello! Applying to Ohio State University is a great choice, as it offers a wide range of programs and opportunities. Here's a rundown of the undergraduate admissions process and some tips to help you with your application:

1. Application: Ohio State University accepts both the Common Application and the Coalition Application. Choose the one you prefer and complete the required sections. The application deadline for Early Action is November 1, while the regular decision deadline is February 1.

2. Application Fee: There's a $60 non-refundable application fee for domestic students, and $70 for international applicants. Fee waivers are available if you demonstrate financial need.

3. High School Transcript: You'll need to submit your high school transcript, which should include your GPA, class rank (if available), and coursework.

4. Test Scores: As of the 2024-2025 application cycle, Ohio State is test-optional, meaning you don't need to submit SAT or ACT scores if you prefer not to. If you choose to submit test scores, there's no minimum score requirement, but aim for a competitive score to increase your chances of admission.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Ohio State does not require letters of recommendation, but you can submit up to two if you believe they'll add something unique to your application.

6. Essays: The application includes various essay prompts, including Ohio State-specific questions. Take the time to craft thoughtful, personal responses that showcase your experiences, goals, and personality.

7. Extracurricular Activities: Ohio State values well-rounded students who are engaged in their communities. Highlight your extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and any awards or achievements.

8. Major Selection: Indicate your intended major on your application, but keep in mind that some programs have additional requirements or are more competitive. Be sure to research your intended major for any specific prerequisites.

Tips for your application:

- Start early: Give yourself enough time to craft a thoughtful application and gather any necessary documents.

- Be authentic: Use your essays and extracurriculars to showcase your unique experiences, values, and goals. Remember that Ohio State is looking for a diverse community of learners.

- Proofread and revise: Make sure your application is polished and error-free before submitting. Ask a teacher, counselor, or mentor to review your essays and provide feedback.

- If you're unsure about submitting test scores, consider whether they'll add value to your application. If your scores are below the middle 50% for accepted students, you might be better off not submitting them.

- Attend any virtual or in-person admissions events, such as open houses or information sessions, to get a better understanding of the school and its programs.

Good luck with your Ohio State University application!

a month ago

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