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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Help with Tennessee State Admissions?

Hey folks! I'm planning on applying to Tennessee State University and I wanted to know if anyone can tell me what the admissions process is like? What are the important factors they consider, and any advice would be amazing. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hi there! Tennessee State University (TSU) has a fairly straightforward admissions process. They primarily consider your high school GPA, core courses, and standardized test scores (optional, but recommended) to assess candidates.

1. High School GPA: TSU requires that you have a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.

2. Core Courses: TSU expects applicants to have completed a curriculum of core courses in high school. This includes 4 units of English, 3 units of Math (including Algebra I, II, and Geometry), 2 units of Natural Science, 2 units of Social Science, and 2 units of foreign language.

3. Test Scores: TSU now requires standardized test scores again for all freshman applicants. Students should aim for an ACT composite score of at least 19 or an SAT score of at least 900 (reading + math).

4. Application: Complete the online application form and submit the required documents including your high school transcript and test scores (if applicable).

In addition to these main components, TSU assesses any honors, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or dual enrollment courses you may have taken, as well as any extracurricular activities, work experience, or volunteer service.

My advice would be to focus on maintaining a strong GPA, completing the core courses, and engaging in meaningful extracurriculars, work experiences, or volunteer service to set yourself apart. If you have strong test scores, it's worth submitting them as well.

Lastly, ensure you are aware of the application deadlines; the fall semester application deadline is generally July 1, while for the spring semester, it is usually November 1. Best of luck with your application!

8 months ago

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