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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How to convert letter grades to numbers?

Hello everyone! I've noticed that some colleges ask for a numerical GPA instead of the letter grades I have on my transcript. Could someone help me understand how to convert my letter grades to numbers? Is there a specific conversion chart or method I should follow? Thanks!

a month ago

Hello! Converting letter grades to numbers is typically done using a standard 4.0 scale, where each letter grade is assigned a numerical value. Here's a common conversion chart to help you:

- A+ or A: 4.0

- A-: 3.7

- B+: 3.3

- B: 3.0

- B-: 2.7

- C+: 2.3

- C: 2.0

- C-: 1.7

- D+: 1.3

- D: 1.0

- F: 0

To calculate the numerical GPA, you would assign the corresponding numerical value for each letter grade on the 4.0 scale, then add up the values and divide by the number of courses to find the average. Keep in mind that different schools and countries might have slightly different conversion scales, so it's important to verify if your school or the colleges you're applying to have specific conversion guidelines.

Once you've calculated your numerical GPA, you can report it accordingly on college applications. Note that some colleges may also ask for weighted GPAs in addition to unweighted GPAs. Weighted GPAs take into account the difficulty of the courses (such as honors or AP classes) and assign higher values to those letter grades. Be sure to check the specific requirements for each college you're applying to. Good luck!

a month ago

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