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Average SAT scores for Penn State?

Hello, everyone! I'm aiming for Penn State, and I want to know more about the average SAT scores for accepted students. What is the typical score range, and is there a minimum score required for admission? I'm trying to set a target score for myself, so any information would be helpful! Thanks in advance!

a month ago

Hello! It's great that you're interested in Penn State. In terms of the average SAT scores, for the most recent admitted class, the middle 50% range of SAT scores was between 1320 and 1480 at the main University Park campus. The middle 50% range of SAT scores at all other campuses was 1120-1340.

Note that Penn State takes a holistic approach to reviewing applications, which means that they look at many factors such as GPA, rigor of coursework, extracurricular activities, and essays. Stronger SAT scores can certainly help your application, but meeting or exceeding the average range doesn't guarantee admission. Similarly, a lower score isn't an automatic rejection, as the rest of your application could make up for it.

As you're preparing for the SAT and setting your target score, it's a good idea to aim for the upper end of the middle 50% range or higher to increase your chances of a competitive application. Good luck with your test preparation and your application to Penn State! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

a month ago

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