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Creating a high school transcript?

Hi! I need to prepare an official transcript for college applications. What information should be included and how should I format it? Any examples or tips would be super helpful!

8 months ago

Usually, a school will create a transcript for you. If you're homeschooled, or your school does not offer this option, you can do it on your own. Creating an official high school transcript can seem overwhelming at first, but it's manageable if you break it down into smaller parts. Here's a list of essential information to include, along with some formatting tips:

1. Student information: Include your full name, date of birth, and contact information (address, phone number, and email).

2. School information: List your school's name, address, contact details, and CEEB code (if available).

3. Coursework: Organize your classes by grade level (9th to 12th) and by semester or term, if applicable. For each class, include the course title, credit hours (if your school uses them), and final grade.

4. Cumulative GPA: Calculate your GPA using your school's grading scale and provide a weighted and unweighted GPA, if both are calculated at your school.

5. Class rank: If your school ranks students, provide your ranking and the total number of students in your class.

6. Graduation date: Indicate your expected graduation date (month and year).

7. Standardized test scores: If applicable, list your SAT or ACT scores, along with the date of the exam.

For formatting, keep these tips in mind:

1. Consistency: Be consistent with your formatting throughout the transcript, including fonts, font size, and text alignment.

2. Readability: Use a clear and readable font (such as Arial or Times New Roman) in a size that's easy to read (10-12 points). Avoid unnecessary design elements or decorations.

3. Organization: Clearly distinguish between different sections (e.g., student information, coursework, etc.) by using headings, subheadings, or bold text. You might also consider using a table to organize your classes by grade level and semester.

4. Page layout: Keep the transcript to one or two pages if possible, and make sure to include your name and a page number on the second page, if needed.

5. Date and signature: Don't forget to include the date the transcript was created or updated, and if it's required, a signature from a school official, such as the principal or guidance counselor, to validate the document.

Before sending it out, double-check your transcript for accuracy and ask a school official or counselor to review it. You can find templates and examples online, but make sure to tailor the format to your unique situation and school requirements. Good luck with your college applications!

8 months ago

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