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North Carolina Central University admission requirements

Hello! I've been looking into applying to North Carolina Central University, but I can't seem to find much info on the admission requirements. Can somebody help me out with what they're looking for in applicants? Thanks a bunch!

8 months ago

Of course! North Carolina Central University (NCCU), located in Durham, North Carolina, has a few requirements that prospective students should be aware of when applying. Here are the admission requirements for incoming first-year students:

1. Completed application: Submit your application through the Common App or the NCCU Online Application.

2. Application fee: There is a $50 non-refundable application fee.

3. High school transcript: You must submit your official high school transcript, which should include your GPA, class rank (if available), and a list of courses taken. NCCU uses a "weighted GPA" to evaluate applicants' academic achievements. You must have a GPA of at 2.5 to be considered for admission.

4. Minimum course requirements: NCCU has some Minimum Course Requirements (MCR) that applicants need to fulfill during high school. These include:

- 4 units of English

- 4 units of math (including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and an advanced math course)

- 3 units of science (including a physical science, life or biological science, and a lab science)

- 2 units of social studies (including 1 unit of US History)

- 2 units of the same foreign language

5. Standardized test scores: Although NCCU is test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, you can still submit your SAT or ACT scores if you feel they would strengthen your application. If you choose to submit, there are no strict minimum scores, but the middle 50% range for SAT scores is 900-1080 and 17-21 for ACT scores. Keep in mind that students who opt-out of submitting test scores will still be considered for admission, but there may be an increased focus on other aspects of their applications, such as GPA and extracurricular activities.

6. Personal statement (optional): NCCU does not require an essay, but you may submit one to provide more context about your personal experiences or academic goals.

7. Letters of recommendation (optional): You can submit up to 2 letters of recommendation from teachers or counselors. While they are not required, they can provide additional insights into your character, work ethic, and interest in your chosen major or field.

8. Residency determination (for students in North Carolina): If you're a resident of North Carolina, you'll need to establish residency status by completing the North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS) process.

Once you have prepared all the necessary materials, you can start putting your application together. Remember that deadlines for priority admission are usually in the fall, while regular decision deadlines typically fall in the winter months. Make sure to keep an eye on official deadlines to ensure your application arrives on time.

Good luck with your application to North Carolina Central University!

8 months ago

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