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Texas A&M admissions help

Howdy everyone! I'm getting ready to apply to Texas A&M and I'm really worried about my chances. Can any current or former Aggies give me some pointers on how to make my application shine? Any thoughts on which aspects their admissions office really looks for would be a huge help! Thanks, and Gig 'em!

a month ago

Howdy! It's great that you're seeking advice on how to strengthen your application for Texas A&M. While I'm not a current or former Aggie, I can definitely provide some pointers to help your application stand out.

1. Strong academic background: Texas A&M will want to see solid grades and a rigorous course schedule throughout high school. Try to challenge yourself by taking AP or honors classes whenever possible, and aim for a strong GPA. High test scores, if you're submitting them, can also increase your chances of being admitted.

2. Emphasize your extracurriculars: Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to extracurricular activities. Focus on a few areas that genuinely interest you, and strive to excel in them or take on leadership positions. This shows dedication and passion, both of which are qualities Texas A&M values.

3. Make your essays unique and personal: Your essay is a critical opportunity to showcase your personality, experiences, and why you would be a great fit for Texas A&M. Avoid cliché topics and concentrate on stories that highlight your unique background, values, or aspirations. Be genuine and honest in your writing, and make sure it reflects who you are as a person.

4. Obtain strong letters of recommendation: Choose teachers, coaches, or mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths, dedication, and potential to succeed in college. Make sure they can provide specific examples as evidence of the qualities they are highlighting.

5. Demonstrate interest in the university: Although Texas A&M doesn't explicitly consider demonstrated interest in its admissions process, showing that you've spent time researching the university, attending virtual info sessions, and engaging with current students or alumni can make your application feel more authentic.

6. Highlight your "spike": If you have a significant accomplishment or specialized skill in a particular area, it's essential to emphasize this "spike" in your application. This factor can help you stand out from other applicants and show the admissions office that you have proven abilities in your field of interest.

7. Showcase your fit for the university: Texas A&M has a strong sense of tradition and values its community atmosphere. Make sure you demonstrate how you would contribute to and thrive within that atmosphere in your essays and application materials.

Remember, the admissions process can be unpredictable, but focusing on these key aspects may help you craft a stronger application for Texas A&M. Good luck and Gig 'em!

a month ago

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