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Do colleges superscore?

Hey guys, I was wondering if all colleges superscore the SAT/ACT, or if it's college-specific? Like, do most universities consider students' best section scores from different test dates, or do they look at individual test dates only?

8 months ago

Superscoring policies can vary from college to college. Superscoring is the process of taking the highest section scores from different test dates and combining them into a single, new higher total score. Many colleges do superscore the SAT or ACT, but not all of them. Some universities have this policy in place to encourage applicants to retake the test and focus on improving their weakest areas.

However, other colleges may only consider scores from a single testing date instead of superscoring. This means that they would evaluate a student's performance on a specific test date rather than combining the highest section scores from multiple test dates.

To find out if a particular college superscores the SAT or ACT, you can visit the college's admissions website or contact their admissions office directly. Additionally, it's important to remember that even colleges that do superscore may have different requirements for reporting test scores, so always double-check their guidelines.

In summary, superscoring policies are college-specific, and it is crucial to research each institution's policy to ensure you understand how they evaluate test scores.

8 months ago

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