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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Division 1 schools without 'university' in their name?

So I've noticed that most Division 1 schools have 'university' in their name. Just for funsies, can anyone name some Div 1 schools that don't have 'university' in the name? Just curious lol

8 months ago

Sure, it's interesting to see the variety in names for Division 1 schools! Here are several Division 1 schools that do not have "university" in their name:

1. Boston College

2. College of Charleston

3. College of the Holy Cross

4. Dartmouth College

5. Davidson College

6. Fairfield University

7. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

9. Providence College

10. Siena College

11. United States Air Force Academy

12. United States Military Academy (Army)

13. United States Naval Academy (Navy)

14. Virginia Military Institute

15. Wofford College

These are just a few examples, and there may be more out there. Hope you find this list entertaining and informative!

8 months ago

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