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What it takes to get into Harvard

Yo! I'm super interested in applying to Harvard and was wondering if you guys could share some tips, experiences, or general info on what it takes to get in. Anything would help, honestly!

8 months ago

Hey there! So you're interested in applying to Harvard, which is an exceptional school with a highly competitive admissions process. I'd be happy to share some general tips and insights into what it takes to be a competitive applicant.

1. Academic excellence: Harvard looks for a strong academic profile, including top grades in rigorous courses, especially in AP or IB classes, if available, in your school. Aim for a high class rank, if your school reports it.

2. Impressive test scores: Harvard has gone back to requiring standardized test scores for the 2024-2025 application cycle (and moving forward), so make sure to dedicate time and energy to aiming high on one of these tests - above a 1500 on the SAT, or above a 34 on the ACT.

3. Extracurricular involvement: Successful Harvard applicants tend to demonstrate excellence in their extracurricular activities. These can either be diverse involvements or ones focused around a specific interest or area, known as a "spike," which sets them apart from even other talented applicants at Harvard. Think leadership positions, regional/state/national-level achievements, or unique projects related to your passions.

4. Compelling essays: Your personal statement and Harvard's supplemental essays are crucial in setting you apart from other applicants. Focus on writing about unique experiences and personal growth, avoiding clichés, and showcasing your genuine voice. The more specific and engaging the narrative, the better. For tips on how to tackle both the personal statement and Harvard's school-specific supplemental essays, check out the following blog posts from CollegeVine:

- Personal statement:

- Supplements:

5. Strong letters of recommendation: Select teachers and possibly a guidance counselor or mentor who know you well and can speak to your achievements and personal qualities, beyond just the numbers. Make sure they can provide specific examples of your work ethic, character, and accomplishments.

6. Demonstrated interest: Although Harvard doesn’t directly weigh demonstrated interest, it's still a good idea to familiarize yourself with the school culture by engaging with their informational resources and participating in virtual events. Acquiring insider knowledge can help you fine-tune your essays by including details that show your genuine enthusiasm for the school.

Keep in mind that even with all these qualities, the admissions process at Harvard is highly selective, and there are no guarantees. Do your best and apply broadly to include other top schools and safety options to ensure you have a well-rounded college application list.

For an even more thorough breakdown of what it takes to get into Harvard, check out this blog post from CollegeVine: Good luck with your application journey!

8 months ago

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