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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What kind of schools might accept a 1280 SAT score?

Hi, I just got a 1280 on my SAT and I'm wondering what type of schools would consider this an acceptable score for admission? Should I apply to a wide range of schools, or would it be better to focus on less competitive ones?

8 months ago

A 1280 SAT score is a solid score and can make you a competitive applicant at a variety of schools. While it may be below the average for highly selective colleges, there are many good schools where you would be a strong candidate. It's smart to apply to a range of schools, including a mix of target, safety, and reach schools. Here's a general guideline for you based on your SAT score:

1. Safety schools: These are schools where your SAT score falls within or above the school's middle 50% range, and your admission odds should be relatively good. Look for universities and colleges with an average SAT score of around 1150-1240. Examples include some state universities and smaller liberal arts colleges.

2. Target schools: These are schools where your SAT score is around the average for admitted students, so you have a fair chance of being accepted. For target schools, consider institutions with an average SAT score between 1240 and 1320. Examples may include some public universities ranked between 50 and 100 in the national rankings or regionally well-regarded institutions.

3. Reach schools: These are schools where your SAT score is below the middle 50% range for admitted students, and your chances of admission are less certain. However, it's still worth applying if you have a strong overall profile (such as a high GPA, impressive extracurriculars, or compelling essays) because admissions offices do consider factors other than test scores. In this category, consider schools with an average SAT score between 1320 and 1400 or higher, depending on the selectivity of the school.

When selecting schools, don't just focus on your SAT score alone. Consider factors like location, size, available majors, campus culture, and financial aid opportunities. With these factors in mind, you can create a balanced college list that aligns with your academic and personal preferences.

Finally, keep in mind that multiple universities have adopted test-optional policies in recent years, so your SAT score might not be the most critical component of your application at some schools. This can be helpful if you feel your test score doesn't fully represent your academic abilities. Good luck with your applications!

8 months ago

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