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What's a good SAT percentile rank for competitive colleges?

Hey everyone! I'm trying to figure out what SAT percentile I should aim for to apply to competitive schools. Can anyone share some insight on what a good percentile rank might be for top colleges? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hi there! When applying to competitive colleges, it's important to aim for a high percentile rank on the SAT. Generally, for top colleges, you should target at least a 90th percentile rank, which corresponds to approximately a 1290 on the digital SAT. However, keep in mind that more selective colleges will expect even higher scores.

At highly selective institutions like the Ivy League schools or other top-tier universities, applicants' scores tend to fall within the 97th to 99th percentile range, which corresponds to scores between 1390 and 1600. Keep in mind that these schools are no longer test-optional as of the 2024-2025 application cycle, making a strong SAT score even more important.

It's important to remember that achieving a high SAT score is just one part of a strong application. Competitive colleges also look for rigorous coursework, excellent grades, strong involvement in extracurriculars, and well-crafted essays, among other factors.

Make sure to use resources like the College Board's Bluebook™ app and other SAT prep materials to practice and improve your score. Best of luck with your test preparation and college applications!

9 months ago

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