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Purdue University ACT score requirements?

Hey guys, I'm starting to prepare for the ACT and I'm aiming for Purdue University. What's the typical ACT score range that they're looking for? I want to make sure I'm on track to meet their requirements.

8 months ago

Hi there! Purdue University is a great choice, and it's smart to have your target ACT score in mind. For the 2024-2025 application cycle, Purdue is no longer test-optional and will require applicants to submit either an SAT or ACT score.

Although Purdue doesn't have a strict minimum ACT score requirement, you can get an idea of the competitive score range by looking at the middle 50% of ACT scores for admitted students. For the most recent admission stats, Purdue's middle 50% ACT range is between 27 and 34. This means that 50% of admitted students scored within this range, while 25% scored below a 27 and 25% scored above a 34.

Aim for at least a 27 to be considered competitive, and try to aim for the higher end of the range (33 or above) to have a stronger chance of being accepted. However, keep in mind that Purdue has a holistic admissions process, so your ACT score is just one part of your application. Your GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, and essays also play a significant role in their evaluation.

Good luck with your ACT preparation, and I hope you achieve your target score for Purdue!

8 months ago

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