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APUSH Exam Difficulty?

Hey guys, I'm taking APUSH next year and I'm a bit stressed about the exam. Can anyone share their experience with it? How hard is it to score well and what types of questions can I expect?

9 months ago

Hey there! It's perfectly normal to feel a bit stressed about the APUSH exam, but I hope I can help ease your concerns. APUSH, or AP U.S. History, expects you to have a strong understanding of the major events, themes, and developments throughout U.S. history. Scoring well on the exam is definitely achievable with proper preparation and time management.

The APUSH exam consists of two main sections: Multiple Choice/Short Answer (Section I) and Free Response Questions (Section II). In Section I, you'll answer 55 multiple-choice questions in 55 minutes, and then complete four short answer questions in 50 minutes. In Section II, you'll have 1 hour and 40 minutes to write one Document-Based Question (DBQ) and one Long Essay Question (LEQ). The DBQ requires you to analyze and synthesize historical sources to construct a well-written argument, while the LEQ asks you to evaluate a historical development or concept and support your argument with relevant evidence.

To score well on the exam, it's important to develop strong analytical and writing skills. Familiarize yourself with the different periods in U.S. history, their key events, and how they relate and connect with each other. Practice analyzing primary and secondary sources, as well as making connections between historical trends and themes. Make sure to use resources such as the College Board's APUSH Course and Exam Description for a detailed breakdown of the exam content and format.

During preparation, work on timed practice exams to get comfortable with the pacing of the real exam and build up your stamina. Collaborate with classmates and use study guides, review books, and online resources to consolidate your understanding of key concepts and fill in any knowledge gaps. And don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher for clarification at any point - the exam will expect you to synthesize knowledge from different units of the course, so being shaky in a particular area can snowball.

As the exam approaches, focus on practicing document analysis, strengthening your essay-writing skills, and familiarizing yourself with the rubrics for the DBQ and LEQ. If you want to get an initial idea of what to expect on the exam, including content covered, structure, and sample questions, check out this comprehensive guide from CollegeVine:

In summary, scoring well on the APUSH exam is definitely achievable with dedicated study, good time management, and a strong grasp of key historical themes and concepts. Best of luck, and I hope this information helps!

9 months ago

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