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LSSU Admissions: What to Expect?

Hello everyone! I'm thinking about applying to Lake Superior State University (LSSU). Can anyone give me a rundown of the admissions process? Like, what kind of requirements or criteria should I be aware of? Thanks in advance!

a month ago

The admissions process at Lake Superior State University (LSSU) is fairly straightforward, but it's essential to be mindful of the requirements and criteria for a successful application.

1. Application: LSSU accepts applications through its website or the Common Application. Make sure to fill out all the necessary information and submit the applications by the posted deadlines.

2. High School Transcripts: LSSU will want to see your official high school transcripts to assess your academic performance. It is important to maintain a solid GPA and demonstrate a consistent level of academic achievement.

3. Test Scores: LSSU has adopted a test-optional policy for undergraduate admissions, which means that you can choose whether or not to submit your SAT or ACT scores. If you believe your test scores will enhance your application, then go ahead and submit them. If you're wondering whether or not to send them, check out this blog post from CollegeVine for detailed guidance on how to navigate test-optional policies: https://blog.collegevine.com/does-test-optional-mean-test-optional

4. Extracurricular Activities: While LSSU doesn't have a specific requirement for extracurricular involvement, participating in clubs, sports, volunteering, or other activities outside of the classroom can set you apart and demonstrate your interests, dedication, and leadership skills.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Although not required, submitting one or two letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or other individuals who know you well can strengthen your application. These letters provide a clearer perspective on your academic achievements, personal qualities, and extracurricular involvement.

6. Essays: While not part of the main application, LSSU may require or recommend an essay for some of its programs or for scholarship considerations. Use this opportunity to showcase your writing skills and effectively communicate your personal experiences, passions, and goals in a thoughtful and compelling manner.

Remember to keep track of deadlines and make sure to submit all required materials on time to ensure your application receives proper consideration. If you're applying for financial aid, submitting early is especially important, as some aid is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Good luck with your application to Lake Superior State University!

a month ago

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