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What's the time limit for each section of the ACT?

Hey guys, I'm preparing for the ACT and need to know the time limits for each section. Can anyone share the time limits for the different sections like English, Math, Reading, and Science? Any strategies for managing time effectively during the test?

29 days ago

The time limits for each section of the ACT are as follows:

1. English: 45 minutes for 75 questions

2. Math: 60 minutes for 60 questions

3. Reading: 35 minutes for 40 questions

4. Science: 35 minutes for 40 questions

If you're taking the optional Writing test, you'll have an additional 40 minutes to complete the essay.

To manage your time effectively during the ACT, consider the following strategies:

1. Practice pacing: Familiarize yourself with the time constraints for each section by taking timed practice tests. Practice tests help you understand the pace you need to maintain, which can boost your confidence and comfort level on test day.

2. Create a time budget: Break down the time allocated for each section by the number of questions that need to be completed. For example, in the English section, you have 45 minutes to complete 75 questions, which translates to roughly 36 seconds per question.

3. Prioritize questions: Start with the questions you're most comfortable with and work through them quickly, so that you'll be able to allocate more time per question to the ones you find especially tricky.

4. Use process of elimination: If you're not sure about the answer to a question, eliminate the options you know are incorrect. This strategy increases your chances of getting the question right, and saves time, as you don't have to agonize over every possible answer.

5. Keep track of time: Regularly check the remaining time for each section to ensure you're on track with your pacing. Some students find wearing a watch on test day to be helpful.

6. Don't get stuck: If you're struggling with a question, mark it and come back to it later. Spending too much time on a single question can hurt your overall score, if you then need to rush to answer the other questions in the section.

7. Practice test-taking strategies: Familiarize yourself with the content and format of the ACT by using official practice materials, so you can navigate the test quickly and efficiently.

Remember that practice is key to improving your time management skills on the ACT. The more you practice, the better equipped you'll be to handle the time constraints on test day. Good luck!

29 days ago

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