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Online SAT Prep Courses

Hi all, I'm looking for an online SAT prep course. Are there any highly recommended ones that you guys have found helpful? I'm open to both free and paid courses. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hi there! It's awesome that you're taking the initiative to improve your SAT performance with an online prep course. There are quite a few options available, so I’ll suggest a mix of both free and paid ones to consider:

1. Khan Academy: This is a free resource that has partnered with the College Board (the organization that administers the SAT) to provide tailored prep based on your performance in PSAT or SAT practice tests. It offers personalized study plans, thousands of practice questions, video lessons, and full-length tests.

2. Magoosh: This is a paid option that offers a comprehensive online SAT prep course, packed with video lessons, practice questions, and full-length tests. Plus, they have in-depth explanations for every question and a score improvement guarantee.

3. The Princeton Review: Another paid option, The Princeton Review offers various SAT prep courses tailored to different needs, such as self-paced online courses, live online classes, and private tutoring. They have a plethora of practice questions, full-length tests, and a score improvement guarantee.

When choosing an SAT prep course, consider factors such as your budget, learning style, and time commitment. The best course for you will depend on your individual preferences and needs. Regardless of which option you choose, consistency and dedication to your study plan are key—good luck with your preparation!

8 months ago

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