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Are There Any Men-Only Colleges Left?

Hey everyone, just out of curiosity, are there any men-only colleges remaining in the U.S.? I know there used to be quite a few in the past, but I'm not sure if they still exist today. Thanks for any info!

29 days ago

Yes, there are a few men-only colleges still remaining in the U.S. today. Although the number of single-sex colleges has significantly decreased over the years, some all-male institutions persist. Here are a few examples:

1. Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia: Hampden-Sydney is a private college that focuses on liberal arts and sciences. It was founded in 1775, making it one of the oldest colleges in the United States. The school emphasizes a strong Honor Code and the cultivation of moral character among its students.

2. Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia: Morehouse is a historically Black college that offers students a liberal arts education. Established in 1867, Morehouse has a long history of commitment to providing a robust educational experience for African American men. The college has produced many notable alumni, including civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

3. Wabash College in Indiana: Wabash is a liberal arts college that was founded in 1832. The college prides itself on producing well-rounded graduates who are grounded in the liberal arts and have strong critical thinking skills. Wabash offers a range of academic programs, including pre-professional tracks in law, medicine, and engineering.

These colleges have chosen to maintain their single-sex identity for a variety of reasons, ranging from tradition to promoting a sense of brotherhood among their students. Keep in mind that the educational environment of an all-male college might not suit everyone, so it's essential to research thoroughly and visit the campus if you're considering one of these schools.

29 days ago

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