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Most popular AP courses?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior trying to decide on my AP courses for next year. What are the most popular AP courses that people generally take? I want to select something that will be interesting and helpful for my college applications. Thanks for any suggestions!

a month ago

Hello! When considering AP courses, it's important to choose subjects that align with your strengths and interests, as well as courses that may be relevant to your intended major or future career. However, some popular AP courses that many students take include:

1. AP English Language and Composition: This course focuses on rhetoric and the art of crafting effective arguments through analyzing various types of texts. It's a useful class for all students, regardless of their major, as it builds essential communication and critical thinking skills.

2. AP English Literature and Composition: This course dives into the analysis of literary works, from prose to poetry. It's great for students who enjoy reading and want to develop their skills in interpreting and analyzing literature.

3. AP Calculus (AB or BC): Both of these math courses cover the fundamentals of calculus, with BC covering more advanced topics. AP Calculus is often taken by students who plan to study a STEM field in college.

4. AP Biology: This course covers the essential principles of biology at the molecular, cellular, and ecological levels. If you have an interest in life sciences or are considering a major in this field, AP Biology is a good choice.

5. AP United States History: This course examines the history of the United States from its early beginnings to the present day. Along with covering key events and themes, it also helps develop critical thinking, analysis, and writing skills.

6. AP World History: This course offers a global perspective on history, covering various societies and cultures throughout time. It's a popular choice for those who enjoy learning about different regions and their impact on the world.

Remember that colleges appreciate applicants who have demonstrated success in rigorous courses, but it's also important to maintain a balanced schedule and not overload yourself. Consider your personal strengths, interests, and the workload of each AP course before making your final decision. Good luck!

a month ago

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