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What's the difference between SAT and ACT?

Hey guys, I'm a little confused about the difference between the SAT and ACT. Can someone please explain both tests and their importance when it comes to college applications?

28 days ago

Hi there! I'm happy to clarify the differences between the SAT and ACT, as understanding these exams is crucial for your college application process.

The SAT and ACT are both standardized tests used by many colleges and universities in the United States as part of their admissions process. The primary purpose of these tests is to assess a student's academic readiness for college. Although their aim is similar, the tests differ in format, content, and scoring.


The SAT, now fully digital, is administered by the College Board and is broken down into two sections: Reading and Writing, and Math. The test is structured as follows:

1. Reading and Writing: Two 32-minute modules with a total of 54 questions, leaving approximately 71 seconds per question.

2. Math: Two 35-minute modules with a total of 44 questions, providing about 96 seconds per question, or a little over a minute and a half.

The total test time is 134 minutes, and the score ranges from 400 to 1600.


The ACT is administered by ACT, Inc. and consists of four sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science. There is also an optional Writing section. The main sections include:

1. English: 45 minutes to complete 75 questions

2. Math: 60 minutes to complete 60 questions

3. Reading: 35 minutes to complete 40 questions

4. Science: 35 minutes to complete 40 questions

If you choose to take the Writing section, you'll be given an additional 40 minutes to craft an essay. The total test time ranges from 2 hours and 55 minutes (without Writing) to 3 hours and 35 minutes (with Writing). The ACT is scored on a scale of 1-36, and each section receives its own score.

In terms of importance for college applications, both tests are widely accepted by colleges and universities across the United States. However, the more selective schools within the U.S. typically expect higher scores. It's important to note that many colleges have adopted a test-optional policy, meaning submitting scores is not required, although it can still strengthen your application.

The choice of which test to take depends on your individual strengths and preferences. Some students excel in the SAT's focus on critical thinking and problem-solving, while others thrive on the ACT's more straightforward and content-based approach. It's advisable to take a practice test for both exams to determine which one suits your academic style best.

Ultimately, the SAT and ACT both serve as tools to help colleges evaluate your academic potential. Consider your strengths and test-taking preferences when choosing which exam to take, and make sure to prepare effectively!

Good luck in your college journey!

28 days ago

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