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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Class rank: weighted or unweighted?

Hey guys, I'm a bit confused about class rank at my high school. I know my school calculates both a weighted and unweighted GPA, but when it comes to class rank, do colleges typically take the weighted or unweighted into account? Just trying to clarify things for college apps. Thanks!

28 days ago

Hey there! When it comes to class rank, colleges will generally look at the weighted GPA, as it takes into account the rigor of the courses you've taken, such as honors, AP, or IB classes. This helps the school recognize students who challenged themselves academically and took more demanding courses.

However, every high school does things a little differently, so it's essential to communicate with your guidance counselor to understand your school's specific policies on weighted and unweighted class rankings. Some schools may report both versions; others may have a unique method of calculating class rank that combines the two GPAs.

While class rank is one factor colleges consider, they also look at various other aspects of your application, including test scores, essays, extracurricular activities, and teacher recommendations. In other words, one piece of the puzzle does not make or break your entire application. Focus on maintaining a strong GPA, challenging yourself with rigorous courses, and building a well-rounded application that showcases your unique interests and strengths.

Good luck with your college applications!

28 days ago

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