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How to get into Michigan State?

Hello, I'm considering applying to Michigan State University and I'd love to hear some advice from current students or people familiar with the admissions process. What should I focus on to improve my chances of being admitted? Thanks in advance!

28 days ago

Hello! I'm glad to hear you're interested in applying to Michigan State University (MSU). To improve your chances of being admitted, it's important to focus on several aspects of your application.

1. Academics: MSU cares about your academic performance, so make sure that you maintain a strong GPA throughout high school. Take challenging courses such as honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes to show that you can handle rigorous coursework.

2. SAT/ACT scores: Although MSU is currently test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, strong SAT or ACT scores can still strengthen your application if you choose to submit them. Be sure to take advantage of any resources, like free online practice tests or prep courses, to help you perform well on these exams. If you're unsure whether submitting a test score would be a good idea for you, you can find detailed guidance on how to navigate test-optional policies on CollegeVine's blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/does-test-optional-mean-test-optional

3. Extracurricular activities: MSU values well-rounded students involved in their communities. Participate in clubs, sports, volunteer opportunities, or other extracurricular activities that genuinely interest you. Take on leadership roles and try to make lasting impacts within these organizations.

4. Personal statement: MSU requires a personal statement, which provides an opportunity to share your story and showcase your personality. Make sure to craft a thoughtful and compelling essay that highlights your strengths, interests, and how you would contribute to the university community. CollegeVine's blog contains guidance on how to write a strong personal statement: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-common-application-essays/

6. Demonstrated interest: MSU considers demonstrated interest to be an important aspect of their admissions process. So, make an effort to attend virtual events, or even visit campus in person if possible, to gain a deeper understanding of the university's offerings. This knowledge can then be reflected in your application, particularly in your personal statement. Make sure you mark your attendance, if given the opportunity, at any admissions event you attend.

Ultimately, it's essential to focus on presenting a well-rounded application that displays your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and personal qualities. Best of luck with your application to Michigan State University!

28 days ago

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