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Interior Design Programs?

I'm really interested in interior design and want to pursue it as a career. Can anybody recommend some schools with strong undergraduate programs in interior design?

28 days ago

Sure! There are several schools known for strong undergraduate interior design programs, and I've listed some of them below:

1. Parsons School of Design (New York, NY): Parsons is part of The New School and offers a highly ranked Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. You'll work on collaborative studio projects, learn about sustainable design practices, and gain hands-on experience through internships.

2. Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY): Pratt's Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design program combines art, architecture, and the environment. In addition to the main course, they offer specializations in Advanced Media and Lighting Design to further enhance your skills.

3. Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, RI): RISD's Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture emphasizes adaptive reuse and sustainable design. Their curriculum encourages collaboration with other design disciplines and incorporates professional practice courses.

4. Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, GA): SCAD offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design with opportunities for students to participate in competitions and attend design conferences. The program prepares students for professional practice and focuses on emerging technologies, sustainability, and inclusive design.

5. California College of the Arts (San Francisco, CA): CCA's Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design program is studio-based and emphasizes sustainability, technology, and creative problem-solving. Students can take advantage of networking opportunities and internships in the San Francisco Bay Area design community.

6. Cornell University (Ithaca, NY): Cornell's Bachelor of Science in Design and Environmental Analysis program offers an Interior Design option. This program focuses on innovative and interdisciplinary design approaches, human-centered design, and sustainability.

Remember to carefully research each program and consider factors such as the specific courses offered, internship opportunities, and the college's location. Visiting the campuses and reviewing the portfolio requirements can also aid you in making the best decision for your specific career goals. Good luck!

28 days ago

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