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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's an extracurricular?

Hi, I've been told that extracurricular activities are really important for college applications. But what exactly qualifies as an extracurricular? Can someone please explain what they are and how they can help me in the admissions process?

25 days ago

Extracurricular activities are any activities you participate in outside of your regular academic coursework. They can include sports, clubs, community service, internships, research, hobbies, jobs, or any other pursuits you are involved in outside of school. These activities demonstrate your interests, passions, skills, and commitment beyond the classroom, which can help colleges get a better understanding of who you are as a person and how you might contribute to their campus community.

Extracurriculars are crucial in the college admissions process for several reasons:

1. Showcase your interests and passions: Colleges want to admit students who are genuinely passionate about something and can use their education to further their goals. Your extracurriculars can reveal your true interests and give admissions officers insight into what you care about.

2. Demonstrate commitment and leadership: Long-term involvement in an activity, especially in a leadership role, can show that you are dedicated and responsible. Colleges like to see that you are willing to commit to an activity and make a difference in that area.

3. Develop valuable skills: Participation in extracurricular activities allows you to develop skills, such as time management, teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and more. These qualities can be valuable in both college and your future career.

4. Diversify your application: A unique or impressive extracurricular can help your application stand out from the crowd. Admissions officers are always on the lookout for students with a distinctive edge, so having a well-rounded and exciting list of activities can be advantageous.

5. Make connections: Building networks with peers, mentors, and professionals through your activities can open doors to internships, research opportunities, and potential job offers. These connections can prove influential in your future academic and professional pursuits.

Remember, though, that the quality of your involvement matters more than the quantity. It's better to focus on a few activities that you are genuinely passionate about and committed to, rather than spreading yourself thin across numerous extracurriculars. Aim for meaningful participation and, if possible, take on leadership roles to demonstrate your commitment and skills.

25 days ago

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