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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Lost my SAT admission ticket, what should I do?

So, I've misplaced my SAT admission ticket and my test date is coming up. Does anyone know the process for getting a new one or what I should do in this situation?

8 months ago

Sorry to hear that you've misplaced your SAT admission ticket, but don't worry, it's not a huge issue. You can easily reprint the admission ticket from your College Board account. Here's what you should do:

1. Go to the College Board website ( and sign in to your account.

2. Navigate to "My SAT" or "My Test Registrations."

3. Locate the test registration for the upcoming test date.

4. Click on "Print Admission Ticket."

Make sure to print it out and bring it with you along with a valid photo ID on test day. Additionally, it's a good idea to print a few extra copies and keep them in a safe place in case of any future mishaps. Good luck on your test!

8 months ago

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