Hey everyone, Dartmouth requires a peer recommendation, and I'm really not sure about how that should look like. Can anybody whose been through the process or knows more give some advice on who to ask and what they should focus on?
Sure! Dartmouth is unique in its requirement for a peer recommendation, which is essentially a letter from a close friend who can speak to your personal qualities and character. The aim is to provide the admissions committee with a unique perspective on you, showcasing attributes that your teachers or counselors may not touch on.
When choosing who to ask for your peer recommendation, consider someone who:
1. Knows you well: You should select a close friend who's familiar with your character, values, goals, and personal growth.
2. Can write well: Your peer recommender should have good writing skills and be capable of effectively conveying their thoughts about you.
3. Provides a unique perspective: Choose someone who is able to share insights that aren't already highlighted in your application, like personal anecdotes or a different side of your personality.
When guiding your peer recommender, suggest they focus on:
1. Anecdotes: Encourage them to provide specific instances that demonstrate your character and how you interact with others.
2. Personal growth: Have your friend discuss your personal development over time, illustrating how you've matured and evolved.
3. Unique qualities: Make sure your friend showcases what sets you apart from other applicants and highlights your distinct traits or experiences.
4. Relationship dynamics: Your peer recommender can shed light on your ability to collaborate, empathize, and support others by discussing your interactions within your friendship.
In summary, your peer recommendation should illuminate your personality and provide a perspective that complements the rest of your application. Encourage your friend to concentrate on sharing unique, personal insights and anecdotes that convey your character and personal growth.
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