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Western Michigan University Tuition & Room and Board

Hey, I'm considering Western Michigan University as one of my options, but I'm struggling to find out the costs for tuition and room and board. Do any of you guys have recent info on that? Thanks in advance!

25 days ago

Sure, I can help you out with that! For the 2024-2025 academic year, the costs for tuition and room and board at Western Michigan University (WMU) are as follows:

1. Tuition: The current in-state tuition & fees are approximately $15,174 per year, while the out-of-state tuition & fees around $18,942 per year.

2. Room and Board: The costs for room and board at WMU depend on the type of housing and meal plan you choose. On average, students can expect to pay around $12,482 per year for room and board. Note that this is an estimate, and prices may vary depending on the specific options you choose.

While these numbers should give you a general idea of the costs, keep in mind that fees, health insurance, books, supplies, and personal expenses are not included in these figures. Don't forget to check WMU's website, as well as the net price calculator on their site, for the most up-to-date information and a more accurate estimate based on your personal situation. Additionally, be sure to look into financial aid and scholarships offered by WMU, as they can help alleviate some of these costs. Good luck!

25 days ago

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