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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best SAT Math resources?

Hey everyone, I need some help improving my SAT Math score. Are there any good resources out there like Khan Academy, or maybe some books/YouTube channels that you've found helpful?

26 days ago

Hey! If you're looking for resources to improve your SAT Math score, you're in the right place. Here are some recommendations to get you started:

1. Khan Academy: You've already mentioned it, but Khan Academy is a great free resource with personalized SAT prep, guided practice, and video explanations covering all math topics on the SAT.

2. UWorld: UWorld is a popular paid resource that provides comprehensive practice questions designed to mimic the actual SAT. Their explanations are thorough and helpful, allowing you to solidify your understanding of the content.

3. College Board's SAT Practice Tests: The College Board provides free official SAT practice tests. These are the closest to the real thing you'll get, so I highly recommend using them to gauge your progress and identify areas where you need to improve.

4. Dr. John Chung's SAT Math: This prep book is excellent for students aiming for a high score in SAT Math. It provides advanced strategies, lots of practice questions, and techniques to tackle the toughest problems.

5. Erica Meltzer's The Ultimate Guide to SAT Math: Created by an expert SAT tutor, Erica Meltzer's book provides clear explanations, plenty of easy-to-follow practice problems, and thorough answer explanations to help you improve.

6. YouTube Channels:

- The Organic Chemistry Tutor: The Organic Chemistry Tutor covers a wide range of math topics and provides SAT tips and practice problems to help you improve.

- Math with Magoosh: The instructors at Magoosh address various SAT Math topics and strategies in a clear, concise manner, making it easier to grasp the content.

Remember, practice makes perfect! As you work through these resources, make sure you're periodically tracking your progress and identifying areas where you need to focus more. Good luck with your SAT Math preparations!

26 days ago

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