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AP Human Geography FRQ Practice – Where to Find Them?

Hello everyone! I need some help finding resources where I can practice AP Human Geography FRQs to improve my skills. Which websites or books would you recommend, based on your experience?

25 days ago

Hi there! I'm glad to hear you're looking to practice AP Human Geography FRQs – it's a great way to improve your skills. Here are some resources that you may find helpful:

1. College Board: The College Board, which designs the AP exams, offers free-response questions from previous years on its website. You can find a collection of AP Human Geography FRQs from the past years, along with scoring guidelines and sample responses. This is an excellent starting point because it'll give you a sense of what the actual exam questions will be like. Visit their AP Human Geography Exam page here: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-human-geography

2. AP Classroom: If you have access to AP Classroom through your school, you'll find additional free-response questions in the "Question Bank." Your AP teacher should be able to help you access this resource.

3. Review Books: AP study guides like The Princeton Review's "Cracking the AP Human Geography Exam" and Barron's "AP Human Geography" contain practice FRQs as well as advice on how to approach and answer them effectively. These books are typically updated annually, so try to get the most recent edition available.

4. Online Forums and Communities: Check out websites like College Confidential, Quizlet, and Reddit's r/APStudents community. These forums often have students and teachers sharing tips, resources, and practice FRQs. Just be cautious, as not all materials shared may be accurate or reliable.

Remember to practice consistently and regularly review your answers, comparing them to the scoring guidelines and sample responses. This process will help you understand the expectations of the exam, and you'll steadily improve your FRQ skills. Good luck!

25 days ago

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