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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Teacher Recommendations: Best Way to Ask?

I'm starting to think about college applications and know I'll need some teacher recommendations. What's the best way to approach my teachers about writing me a recommendation letter? Any advice on making the process easier for them?

8 months ago

When approaching teachers for recommendation letters, it's important to be polite, considerate, and organized. Here are some tips for making the process smoother for both you and your teachers:

1. Choose carefully: Select teachers who know you well and have seen your growth and potential in their class or extracurricular activities. Ideally, choose teachers from your junior or senior year, as they will have more recent and relevant experiences with you.

2. Ask early: Give your teachers plenty of notice, ideally at least a month before the deadline. This ensures they have enough time to write a thoughtful letter and won't feel rushed or stressed.

3. Make a formal request: It's best to ask in person or via a well-written email. Be sure to address them politely, explain why you're asking them specifically, and express your gratitude for their time and effort.

4. Provide information: Help your teachers by providing a brief summary of your academic and extracurricular accomplishments, strengths, and goals. Additionally, share a list of the colleges you're applying to and their deadlines. This will give them a better understanding of what to focus on in their letter and ensure they meet submission deadlines.

5. Offer to meet: Let your teachers know that you’re available to meet with them if they have questions or need additional information. This can help you provide more context and deepen your relationship with them.

6. Keep them updated: If there are any changes in your application deadlines, let your teachers know as soon as possible. Also, inform them about your admission results and thank them once again for their support.

7. Write a thank you note: After your teachers submit their recommendations, send them a personal thank you note expressing your appreciation for their time and effort. This gesture shows your gratitude and leaves a lasting positive impression.

By following these tips, you'll not only make the process easier for your teachers but also increase your chances of receiving strong and personalized recommendation letters that will support your college applications.

8 months ago

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