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APUSH exam format: what should I expect?

Hi everyone! I'm taking APUSH this year and I'm a bit stressed about the exam. Can someone help me understand the format of the test, like the types of questions and how it's all organized? I appreciate any insight!

9 months ago

Hi! Don't worry, preparing for the APUSH exam is manageable once you understand its structure. The AP US History exam is divided into two main sections: Section 1 (Multiple Choice and Short Answer) and Section 2 (Document-Based Question and Long Essay Question).

Section 1:

1. Multiple-choice questions - 55 questions in 55 minutes, worth 40% of your total score. The questions typically come with 4 answer choices and are based on excerpts from texts, images, and historical documents.

2. Short-answer questions - 3 questions in 40 minutes, worth 20% of your total score. You'll be required to provide brief responses to the prompts. Two of these questions will be based on primary/secondary source material, whereas the third question will ask you to choose between two separate prompts and apply your historical knowledge.

Section 2:

1. Document-Based Question (DBQ) - 1 question in 60 minutes (including a 15-minute reading period), worth 25% of your total score. This question requires you to analyze and interpret several historical documents to write a well-structured essay. You'll need to use the provided documents along with your own historical knowledge to support your argument.

2. Long Essay Question (LEQ) - 1 question in 40 minutes, worth 15% of your total score. You will be given a choice between three prompts, generally spanning different time periods. This question demands you to develop a substantial argument based on your own knowledge and evidence from the historical context.

When preparing for the exam, focus on understanding major historical themes, events, and their relationships over time. Also, practice writing concise and clear answers for the short-answer, DBQ, and LEQ sections. Developing strong analytical skills and time-management strategies will help you conquer the APUSH exam with confidence. Good luck!

9 months ago

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