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Juilliard Acceptance Rate?

I'm an aspiring performer and looking into applying to Juilliard, but I've heard that it's super competitive. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for Juilliard, and maybe some tips for those applying? Thanks in advance!

23 days ago

Juilliard is indeed highly competitive, with an acceptance rate of around 7-10%. With such a low acceptance rate, it's important to make your application stand out in order to increase your chances of being admitted. Here are a few tips to help you with your application:

1. Prepare a strong portfolio: As a performance-based school, your audition or portfolio is arguably the most critical part of your application. Spend time honing your craft and selecting pieces that showcase your talent, to demonstrate your commitment to your art form.

2. Academic preparation: While Juilliard primarily focuses on artistic ability, having a strong academic background can only help your application. Strive for good grades and take challenging courses where possible to show that you're a well-rounded candidate.

3. Extracurriculars: Participate in extracurricular activities related to your art form, such as joining a local theater group, participating in a choir, or taking part in competitions. Demonstrating your passion and dedication to your craft outside the classroom. For suggestions on how to enhance your extracurricular involvement, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which lists a range of art-related summer programs for high schoolers: https://blog.collegevine.com/high-school-art-summer-programs

4. Letters of recommendation: Obtain recommendation letters from instructors or mentors who are familiar with your artistic abilities. They should be able to speak to your dedication, work ethic, and potential to excel at Juilliard.

5. Personalize your essays: When writing your essays, it's essential to be honest, authentic, and passionate about your chosen art form. Explain why you wish to attend Juilliard specifically and how their program will help you achieve your goals.

6. Network with Juilliard students and alumni: Reach out to current Juilliard students or alumni to gain insight into the application process, school culture, and what has helped them succeed. They may provide valuable tips and advice that could improve your application.

7. Prepare for your audition/interview: If invited for an audition or interview, practice rigorously, and be ready to discuss your art form, goals, and why Juilliard is the right fit for you.

Remember, while the acceptance rate at Juilliard is quite low, try not to stress about that, and instead focus on building a strong application and demonstrating your passion for your chosen field, to increase your chances of being admitted. Best of luck!

23 days ago

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