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Calculators on the PSAT: Which ones are allowed?

I'm taking the PSAT soon and I was wondering if anyone knows which calculators are allowed. I don't want to bring one that's not approved! Thanks!

8 months ago

While taking the PSAT, you are allowed to use calculators in the Math sections. The College Board has certain guidelines about which calculators are approved for use during the test. Here's a brief overview:

1. Four-function calculators: Basic calculators with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functions are allowed.

2. Scientific calculators: These are permitted as long as they do not have a QWERTY keyboard or any prohibited features.

3. Graphing calculators: Most graphing calculators are allowed, but they should not be equipped with any prohibited features such as a QWERTY keyboard, stylus, or require a power outlet.

4. Calculators with algebra systems: Some calculators that are capable of algebraic notation such as TI-89, TI-Nspire CX, and similar models are allowed, but they should not have any prohibited features.

Prohibited calculators include:

- Calculators with a QWERTY keyboard

- Calculators that require a power outlet

- Calculators with a stylus

- Tablets, laptops, or smartphones

- Calculators that can communicate wirelessly or make noise.

Before the test, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the specific calculator guidelines given by the College Board and to verify if your calculator is approved. You can find the official guidelines on their website.

8 months ago

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