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Signing up for the ACT exam?

Hey guys, I've been thinking about taking the ACT soon but I'm not exactly sure how to sign up for the test. Can anyone help me navigate the registration process? Thanks!

9 months ago

Sure, I can guide you through the registration process for the ACT. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Create an account: First, go to the ACT website ( and create an account if you haven't already. You'll need to provide your name, email address, and create a password.

2. Log in to your account: Once you've created your account and verified your email address, log in to your ACT account.

3. Dashboard: You'll be directed to your ACT dashboard, where you can see the "Register for the ACT" option. Click on it to begin the registration process.

4. Personal information: You'll need to provide additional personal information including your address, phone number, date of birth, and high school details.

5. Test selection: The next step is to choose the test you want to take. You'll have the option to select either the ACT with Writing or the ACT without Writing. Pick the one that suits your needs best.

6. Test date and location: Choose your desired test date from the available options. For the test location, you'll need to enter your ZIP code or city, and then search for nearby testing centers. Pick a testing center that is most convenient for you.

7. Upload a photo: You'll be required to upload a recent photo of yourself that follows the ACT's photo guidelines. Make sure that the photo you upload is clear and recognizable.

8. Accommodations: If you have a disability that necessitates accommodations during the test, you can request them at this point. Keep in mind that you'll need to submit supporting documentation for the accommodations you need.

9. Fee payment: Once you've completed all the steps above, you'll have to pay the ACT registration fee. Major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, are accepted.

10. Review and submit: Finally, review all the information you've entered and make sure it's correct. Once you're satisfied, submit your registration.

After you've submitted your registration, you'll receive an email confirmation with your test date, location, and other important information. Make sure you're well-prepared for the test and reach the testing center on time on the test day.

Good luck with your ACT exam!

9 months ago

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