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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I access my SAT score report?

I took the SAT recently and I want to check my score report to review my performance and understand my strengths and weaknesses better. Can someone guide me on how to access this report online? Thanks!

9 months ago

To access your SAT score report online, follow these steps:

1. Visit the College Board website ( and log in to your account. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one by clicking "Sign Up" on the homepage.

2. Once logged in, click on "My SAT" or "SAT Scores" in the top menu or on your dashboard.

3. You should now see a list of your scores. Click on the specific test date for which you'd like to view the score report.

4. Once you select the test date, you'll be taken to a detailed score report containing information on your overall score, section scores (Math, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing), and subscores (e.g., Heart of Algebra, Words In Context). This report will also provide insights into how your scores compare to the national percentiles and college benchmarks.

5. For even more insights, you can click on the "Question-and-Answer Service (QAS)" or "Student Answer Service (SAS)" links, if available. These services provide additional information regarding your test performance and are available for a fee.

6. If needed, you can download or print your score report by clicking the appropriate options while viewing the report.

By reviewing your score report, you can better understand areas where you performed well and areas where you may need some improvement. This information is valuable for guiding your preparation if you plan to retake the SAT in the future. Good luck!

9 months ago

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