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How and when to submit SAT scores?

I'm a little bit stressed about submitting my SAT scores to colleges. How and when do I send them? Is there a specific deadline I should be aware of? Thanks y'all!

9 months ago

Submitting your SAT scores can feel like a daunting task, but don't worry! The process is straightforward, and I'll guide you through it.

To send your SAT scores, follow these steps:

1. Visit the College Board website and log in to your account. If you haven't made one yet, create an account using the same email you provided when you registered for the SAT.

2. Once logged in, click on "My SAT" in the top menu and then on "Send Scores."

3. You'll see a list of available scores. Select the score(s) you want to send to colleges. If you used the "Score Choice" feature, you could choose which test dates' scores you'd like to send.

4. Now it's time to add colleges! You can search for the schools you're applying to by name or by their school code. Add each college to your recipient list.

5. Review your list of recipients and double-check the scores you are sending. Once everything looks correct, proceed to checkout and pay the fees if applicable. Some schools accept "self-reported" scores, so you could enter them directly into your application at no cost.

Regarding the deadline to send your scores, it usually depends on the application deadlines for the schools you're applying to. Here's a general timeline based on different deadlines:

- Early Decision/Early Action: Send your scores by mid-October to make sure they arrive in time.

- Regular Decision: Send your scores by December, depending on the school's regular decision deadline. Some schools have deadlines in January, but it's good to send them earlier to avoid last-minute stress.

- Rolling Admissions: Send your scores as early as possible to give yourself the best chance at these schools.

Keep in mind that it typically takes about 1-2 weeks for scores to be received by colleges, so plan accordingly. It's always better to send your scores earlier rather than later to ensure they arrive before the college's deadline.

I hope this helps, and best of luck with your applications!

9 months ago

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