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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Does MIT superscore the SAT?

Hey friends, so I've taken the SAT a couple times, and I think my performance in individual sections was better in different attempts. I heard some schools superscore the SAT - does MIT do that too? Thanks for the help!

8 months ago

Yes, MIT does superscore the SAT. This means that they will consider the highest score you've earned in each section across all your test attempts. For example, if you scored a 750 in Math and a 700 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing on your first attempt, and then scored 720 in Math and 760 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing on your second attempt, your superscored SAT would be 1510 (750 Math + 760 EBRW).

This policy can work to your advantage, as it allows you to focus on improving specific sections without worrying about maintaining or surpassing your previous scores in the other section. Good luck with your application to MIT!

8 months ago

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