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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Would someone categorize Duke as a research university?

Hey, I'm looking into Duke University as a college option, and I'm curious if it's considered a research university. What kind of research opportunities are available for undergrads, especially in the fields of physics and engineering? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Yes, Duke University is classified as a research university. It has a strong reputation for its research endeavors and is particularly known for the interdisciplinary approach it takes towards its undergraduate research opportunities.

In the fields of physics and engineering, there are multiple research options available for undergraduates at Duke. The Department of Physics has an Undergraduate Research Support program that enables students to work alongside faculty members on various research projects. This program is designed to enhance the learning experience and to prepare students interested in pursuing a career in research or academia.

As for engineering, the Pratt School of Engineering offers a variety of research opportunities for undergraduates, including the Pratt Research Fellows program and the Grand Challenge Scholars Program. Both initiatives provide students with significant resources and mentorship throughout their research projects.

In addition to these department-specific research opportunities, there are also general research programs available to Duke undergraduates, such as the Duke Undergraduate Research Support Office and the Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Program. Overall, Duke has a plethora of research options that cater to students with diverse interests and aspirations.

a year ago

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