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Do internships count as extracurriculars, especially if they're unpaid?

I had a summer internship at a local non-profit, but it was unpaid. Does it still count as an extracurricular? I want to make sure I understand the difference between extracurriculars and other experiences when listing them on my application.

a year ago

Absolutely, your unpaid internship at a local non-profit does count as an extracurricular activity! Extracurriculars are any activities that you participate in outside of your regular school hours, which can include clubs, sports, volunteering, internships, and even part-time jobs. The main objective is to show your interests, dedication, and the skills you've gained through these experiences.

When listing your activities on your college application, it's essential to focus on the impact you had during your internship and the skills you developed. For example, if you took on a leadership role, helped to organize events, or contributed to specific projects, make sure to highlight those experiences. The key is to showcase your involvement and growth, even if the internship was unpaid.

Your internship experience demonstrates your commitment to your community and your interest in the non-profit sector, which can be a significant asset to your overall application. Good luck!

a year ago

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