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SAT: 720 math
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Does BYU classify as a research university?

Hi all! I've been thinking about applying to Brigham Young University, and I'm curious to know if it's considered a research university. I want to be involved in research related to environmental science during my undergrad. Will BYU have good opportunities for that? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you're considering applying to BYU! Yes, Brigham Young University is considered a research university. It may not have the same reputation as major research institutions like the University of California system or the Ivy League, but it does offer ample research opportunities for undergraduate students, including those in environmental science.

I would recommend checking out the Environmental Science program at BYU and look into the faculty members' research interests to see if they align with your own. You can also ask about research assistant positions available to undergraduates. Their website and reaching out to current students or faculty members can give you more information on how to get involved.

Good luck with your applications, and I hope you find the right fit for your undergrad research aspirations!

a year ago

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