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Should I explain a bad grade on my transcript in my college essay?

Hi everyone. I have a pretty good GPA overall, but there's one semester where I got a bad grade in a class. Should I use my college essay to explain the circumstances behind it, or is it better to focus on something else? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're thinking critically about your college essay. While it may be tempting to address the bad grade, I would advise against it if there was no significant event or reason behind it. Your college essay is an opportunity to showcase your qualities, talents, and what makes you unique as an applicant. Colleges typically provide an 'additional information' section in the application, where you can explain any extenuating circumstances that led to the grade drop, if needed. You can also have your school counselor or the people writing your recommendation letters speak on the circumstances surrounding your grade if you don't want to address it.

My own child faced a similar situation and decided not to focus the essay on the grade, but rather to write about personal growth from involvement in community service. The essay turned out to be very compelling and contributed to a successful application. So, I would suggest focusing your college essay on something that displays your interests, personality, and strengths. Best of luck to you!

a year ago

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