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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How bad do my grades have to be for a college to rescind my acceptance?

I'm a junior and I’m a little bit stressed about senior year. I've heard colleges can rescind admission if your grades drop significantly. What kind of decrease in GPA could potentially lead to that happening?

a year ago

It's understandable to feel a little stressed about maintaining your GPA, especially with senior year on the horizon. Colleges do monitor your final transcripts, and significant drops in grades can potentially lead to rescinded admissions. However, keep in mind that colleges value consistency and want their prospective students to continue demonstrating strong academic performance.

While there is no exact formula or specific GPA drop that triggers a rescinded acceptance, most colleges tend to be concerned if there is a significant change, like dropping from a 4.0 to a 3.0 within a short period. Particularly, consistent low grades (like multiple C's or D's) may raise red flags.

To avoid this, focus on maintaining your performance and addressing any academic challenges that come your way. Consistently communicate with your teachers, seek help when necessary, and stay proactive in your studies. Colleges want you to succeed, and by putting in your best effort, you can keep your admissions secure.

a year ago

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